Welcome to ELANA Fund Management

Upgrade your Finances


We believe in investment solutions designed to fit the goals of our clients. Offering a range of predefined product packages, alongside tailored options, pinned to specific objectives, our team of consultants is there to guide you. Our clients are our PARTNERS. 

ELANA’s dedicated team of professionals will not only manage your investments, but will also take the extra step to answer all your questions on how your savings are handled. You know what is happening with your money at every point of time.


Our funds are awarded annually

Over the last 20+ years, ELANA Fund Management has received more than 50 national and international awards, both for the professional management of its individual funds and for its overall achievements as an asset manager. The company has topped the asset manager chart of the prestigious industry periodical Banker in 2020, as well as throughout the periods between 2016-2017 and 2006 - 2009. Every year the funds managed by ELANA take up leading positions in national and international industry charts.

50+ awards

for its professional management of assets

See all awards
9 funds

offering a variety of strategies and currencies

See all funds
20+ years of experience

in the non-bank financial sector

Learn more about us

Save regularly to invest in your future

Everyone can take a long-term advantage of the opportunities that the financial markets have to offer. It’s not the size of your income that matters, but the way in which you manage it!

The products and services offered by ELANA Fund Management are available only on the territory of Bulgaria. The English version of this website is solely for informational purpose.


The fast road to your dreams and goals

Let’s walk it together
  • We manage 9 mutual funds featuring different investment strategies and currencies – conservative, balanced, aggressive; in levs, euro and US dollars.

  • We offer Investment plans for everyone, who wishes to save regularly and with small amounts, while still taking advantage of the benefits of investing in global markets.

  • Discretionary Investment Management at ELANA Fund Management is an individually tailored service to fit the needs of investors, who want to put a larger sum into a professionally assembled and managed portfolio.

ELANA Fund Management's Investment plans offer flexibility to our investors. Monthly installments of your choice make this instrument suitable for everyone, regardless the size of their income and savings.

Read more about our Investment plans

ELANA's Discretionary Investment Management is a boutique service, which takes into account the specific goals and expectations of our investors, to build and manage their own individually tailored portfolio.

Read more about Discretionary Investment Management

Ivan Nikolov

CEO of POLISTAR Group and partner of ELANA Fund Management since 2013

I am very satisfied with the partnership with ELANA Fund Management. For years, I’ve been using different services offered by the company, and I would recommend it, as the team’s professionalism stands out and they take good care of their clients.

Yavor Kitanov

Works in an international company and is a partner of ELANA Fund Management since 2015

The same way you build a long-term relationship with your family GP or dentist, I am extremely happy by the relationship I have developed with ELANA Fund Management over the years. I’ve used and I will continue to use a few of their products and I admire the professionalism and personal care they provide for each client, a part of the company’s DNA. ELANA Fund Management puts the client first, while, of course, adhering to all legal requirements. Thank you for the years of partnership and I wish us both long years of mutual prosperity.

Aneliya Yotova

Software architect and partner of ELANA Fund Management since 2020

When we had our daughter born, we wanted to save aside a certain amount of money that could be of use to her in the future. I looked at different financial instruments, but the bank deposits’ low rates of interest made me look for an alternative. I am extremely thankful to ELANA Fund Management’s team who took my case to heart and gave me a thorough explanation of the benefits of all their services. They came through with fresh ideas and together we found the best investment solution for the needs of my family. I am a client for a few years now, and I can say that the team offers a service that is both professional and personally tailored. This gives us the confidence that we made the right choice, when we choose them for this investment.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Dimitar Sulev

Founder and CEO of Chemax Pharma Ltd. and partner of ELANA Fund Management since 2012

We’ve been a partner of ELANA Fund Management for over 10 years to date. We continue to use different services and products they offer. I rely on their professionalism, and fast and competent advice. I would recommend this company for their excellent track record and the complex care they provide to their clients.

Milena Peneva

Owner of a hairdressing studio partner of ELANA Fund Management since 2020

I was really hesitant about putting my money into an investment, however I was particularly pleasantly surprised by the financial consultants of ELANA Fund Management. They were very nice and explained everything in a clear manner. I am happy to have started with my saving plan and I am now confident that I invest in my future, while relying on professional services.

Dr. Kamen Kamenov

Cardiologist and founder of Medical Centre Ortho Punct and partner of ELANA Fund Management since 2013

Since 2013, I’ve trusted ELANA Fund Management with my investments. There hasn’t been an occasion in which I have not received detailed information on the results and strategy of my investments there. I am happy with the personal care the company provides.

Atanas Chavdarov

Electrical engineer and partner of ELANA Fund Management since 2017

Personally for me the security of our future as a family is of primary importance. I've been saving through the funds managed by ELANA Fund Management for several years now and I am very satisfied by the way in which they treat their clients, their personal approach tailored to my goals and requirements. I had my reservations towards financial consultants, but they are a thing of the past now.

Share your plans for financial growth and let’s make them happen together.

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